Writing a book is not for the faint of heart. It is not merely a literary pursuit; it’s a transformative process that yield rewards far beyond mere financial gain. The decision to become an author is a commitment that requires passion and resilience, so keep your goals, your “whys” in the forefront. You need them to be crystal clear—for yourself, your writing coach, and your editor. Your intentions will keep you going through the roller coaster writing process. Here are seven compelling reasons to take up the challenge and to keep you focused. 

1) To establish credibility or authority

The minute you become an author, you take authority to the next level. Author is in the word “authority.” Words are powerful in establishing expertise and credibility. People see you as a trusted thought leader, a mentor, someone who has the answers. Your book becomes a magnet, attracting more followers, clients, and speaking opportunities.

2) To tell your life story and experiences

We all have a story to tell—our unique experiences, triumphs, heartaches, and the incredible journey that shapes who we are. Sharing these experiences in an autobiography, a memoir, or as part of a more traditional nonfiction genre inspires others and provides a meaningful connection to readers. Writing a book gives us the chance to describe invaluable lessons that can guide others.

3) To scale your business

Growth and expansion are crucial for business owners. Writing a book strategically expands your reach and impact. You can reach a wider audience, share your expertise, and build brand recognition. Authors who are public speakers can extend their influence and reputation through a book, serving as the foundation for podcasts, Ted talks, radio series, magazine columns, webinar series, or multimedia courses.

4) To share a message or advocate a cause

Books possess the power to ignite change and fuel movements. Through writing, we can raise awareness, advocate for causes, and inspire action. By shedding light on issues of significance, authors can be voices of influence. Our words count.

5) To share expertise, principles, or systems

Writing a book is a way for subject experts to distill wisdom and expertise into a tangible form. Authors can empower and guide others by describing experiences, successes, and even failures. They can present processes, concepts, and theories to transform readers.

6) To create or leave a legacy

Writing a book is a personal endeavor—putting words on paper that express experiences and reflections. But it’s more than that. It’s about sharing moments of meaning, emotions, and lessons that shape us. These personal stories create a testament that family, friends, and future generations can hold onto, a literary inheritance that endures through time.

7) To build your brand, attract new clients, explore new opportunities.

Writing a book is a strategic move to extend your personal and business identity. You can offer valuable insights to like-minded individuals who are seeking expertise. Your book becomes a constant presence, gracing the bedsides and desks of clients, keeping you in their daily thoughts.


Embarking on the journey of writing a book is no small feat, but the rewards are immeasurable. Becoming an author is not just putting your thoughts on paper; it’s a transformative process with far-reaching benefits. Envision the doors your book will open—the opportunities, connections, and impact it will have on both you and your readers.

I am Gail Kerzner, your “savvy red pen.” As a writing coach and editor, I can help you embrace your writing challenge, help you stay focused on your goals, and guide you to create the words that become your testament to your passion, wisdom, and the unique story only you can tell. Sign up for your free consultation today!