The Savvy Red Pen Blog

12 Writer Affirmations to Boost Confidence and Overcome Challenges

12 Writer Affirmations to Boost Confidence and Overcome Challenges

Writers experience highs and lows. Creativity ebbs and flows, and imposter syndrome often rears its ugly head. Writer’s block and procrastination can also get in the way of progress. An effective technique for writers to maintain a resilient mindset is the use of writer affirmations. These positive statements can help increase confidence and overcome challenges. Let’s explore what they are, how they help, when to use them, and 12 Affirmations. What Are Writer Affirmations? Writer affirmations are self-talk—positive statements that writers repeat out loud to cultivate a positive mindset...

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7 Reasons to Write a Book
7 Reasons to Write a Book

7 Reasons to Write a Book

Writing a book is not for the faint of heart. It is not merely a literary pursuit; it’s a transformative process that yield rewards far beyond mere financial gain. The decision to become an author is a commitment that requires passion and resilience, so keep your...

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